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Young Professionals Board

Who We Are

Young Professionals Board

Est. April 2019 | 11 Members | Monthly Meetings

2019-20 Young Professionals Board Members

Back: (L-R) Vladimir Garcia, Colin Peck, Cory Boulanger, Kelsey Boulanger, Cari Olberding, Spencer Culver; Middle: Sarah Kaldenberg, Alyssa Zapata; Front: Hillary Dunaway, Natalia Albanese, Christina Hofer; Not Pictured: Kristin Agar, Robert Castillo

Our intention is to expand Cross-Lines' capacity to meet the growing needs in our community by engaging a younger demographic in our mission. We hope to harness the energy and creative insight of this group to develop new fundraising events, engage a younger generation in community work, and support Cross-Lines’ various events and endeavors throughout the year. 



By providing leadership opportunities through volunteerism and fundraising events, our Young Professionals Board will have the opportunity to further the impact and reach of Cross-Lines Community Outreach and to directly meet the needs of our neighbors in need.

What We Do

   We plan fundraisers.                             

This past December, the Young Professionals Board hosted Ho Ho Hope Virtual Trivia -- an online event that raised over $1000 for Cross-Lines Community Outreach. The event drew in 75 guests and awarded great local prizes from McLain's Bakery, Rosati's Pizza, SplitLog Coffee, and more! Despite the pandemic, the group is already thinking about their next event!

The 2019 holiday fundraiser, Ho Ho Hope took place on Saturday, December 7 from 6-9PM and was held at The Mockingbird Lounge, a local Kansas City, Kansas bar. The event drew a variety of Cross-Lines supporters, both new to the organization and longtime supporters, and packed the bar all night long. Activities included Holiday Movie Trivia, a Mystery Gift Game, and a Photo Booth.

   We support Cross-Lines' events. 

In addition to planning their own small fundraisers, the Young Professionals Board provides essential support for Cross-Lines' major annual events.

This year, Cross-Lines hosted a virtual Gala, Hope at Home. The Young Professionals Board helped to spread the word about the event and served as the "Geek Squad" or tech help team before and during the live stream program. They also procured a "Best of Kansas City" basket featuring a local cookbook, Boulevard Brewing Co coasters, and other cooking items. 

At the Gala for Hope, held September 28, 2019, the Young Professionals Board assembled a popular silent auction basket, "A Weekend in Weston." They also volunteered for the After Party and promoted the event leading up to the big day. 

   We volunteer.

The Young Professionals Board enjoyed the opportunity to come together and serve lunch in the Cross-Lines Community Kitchen. They worked together to prepare the meal and then served it to over 100 people in need. You'll also find Young Professionals Board members on various Cross-Lines committees and donating their time and money for various Cross-Lines efforts throughout the year.

Get Involved

To learn more about the Cross-Lines Young Professionals Board, please contact us at
